Who and Why

The Birth of Ujamaa Cultural Sandals&Craft:

A few years ago we had the chance to visit Jamaica and met a 50 year old man with little or no formal education, but with a skill that he had honed for most of his fifty years; sandal making. He traveled many miles by bus to Kingston to sell his product, every day. He couldn't afford to rent a store so he sold his crafts on the sidewalk outside of a plaza, along with a number of other artisans all selling the same thing. They compete for the few customers who wonder by; while keeping watch for the police who could swoop down at any moment and confiscate their product and fine them heavily for not having a permit.

We came back to Canada and soon learned that there were many people who would love to have the sandals I brought home. So we decided to start Ujamaa Cultural Sandals&Craft and help these artisans improve their livelihood.

